Anderson, Jodi Lynn

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After a magical summer living on a peach orchard, Murphy, Leeda, and Birdie confront a series of breakups, make-ups, and take-offs.

Among the stars

Still trapped in the Ever After, ten-year-old May Bird struggles to decide whether to save her ghostly friends' world from the evil Bo Cleevil or to return to her home.

My diary from the edge of the world

Spirited, restless Gracie Lockwood, twelve, of Cliffden, Maine, living in a world where sasquatches, dragons, giants, and mermaids are common, keeps a diary of her family's journey in a used Winnebago as they seek The Extraordinary World in hopes of keeping her little brother, Sam, safe against all odds.

May Bird

and the Ever After

My diary from the edge of the world

Spirited, restless Gracie Lockwood, twelve, of Cliffden, Maine, living in a world where sasquatches, dragons, giants, and mermaids are common, keeps a diary of her family's journey in a used Winnebago as they seek The Extraordinary World in hopes of keeping her little brother, Sam, safe against all odds.

Tiger Lily

Fifteen-year-old Tiger Lily receives special protections from the spiritual forces of Neverland, but then she meets her tribe's most dangerous enemy--Peter Pan--and falls in love with him.

The vanishing season

Maggie, who has been homeschooled in Chicago, moves to a Victorian house in Door County, Wisconsin, where a serial killer is on the loose, and is haunted, along with her two friends Pauline and Liam, by an invisible spirit.

May Bird and The Ever After

Lonely and shy, ten-year-old May Ellen Bird has no idea what awaits her when she falls into the lake and enters The Ever After, home of ghosts and the Bogeyman.

May Bird and the ever after

Book 1
Lonely and shy, ten-year-old May Ellen Bird has no idea what awaits her when she falls into the lake and enters The Ever After, home of ghosts and the Bogey Man.

May Bird among the stars

Book 2
May Bird must use all her courage and and the helpful advice of her new friends to reach the Lady of North Farm in order to find her way safely back home.


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