Barraclough, Sue

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Fair play

Helps children understand why it is important to play fair when participating in sports and games.


Presents a discussion of the value of honesty, examining topics such as why trust is important, why lying is hurtful, why one should not cheat, and what to do when a lost item is found.


Helps children understand the importance of sharing and describes the many ways people can share with one another.

Farm animals

Simple text and photographs introduce a variety of farm animals, including cows, sheep, lambs, hens, pigs, and others.

What can I-- taste

Presents an introduction to taste, in simple text with illustrations, providing examples of things one tastes in daily life and how it helps one understand the world.

What can I-- smell

Presents an introduction to smell, in simple text with illustrations, providing examples of things one smells in daily life and how it helps one understand the world.

What can I-- see

Presents an introduction to vision, in simple text with illustrations, providing examples of things one sees in daily life and how it helps one understand the world.

What can I-- hear

Presents an introduction to hearing, in simple text with illustrations, providing examples of things one hears in daily life and how it helps one understand the world.

What can I-- feel

Simple text and photos present examples of sensations one might experience with his or her sense of touch over the course of a day, such as warmth from clothes in the morning, stickiness from jam at breakfast, and ticklishness from bubbles at bath time.


Simple text and illustrations depict the four seasons of the year and the various elements that accompany each, such as warm weather, leaves that change color, wind, snow, and rainbows.


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