Gorman, Jacqueline Laks

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Why do we have laws?

Provides an introduction to the U.S. Constitution, looks at the process by which laws are created, discusses who is allowed to make and enforce laws, and tells why laws are sometimes changed.


Provides an easy-to-read explanation of what a doctor does.

Police officer =

El polic?a
Simple text and color photos show how police officers do their jobs, covering their equipment, uniforms, and duties. Presented in English and Spanish.

Librarian =

El bibliotecario
Simple text and color photos show how librarians do their jobs, covering their duties, equipment, and surroundings. Presented in English and Spanish.

Doctor =

El m?dico
Simple text and color photos show how doctors do their jobs, covering their equipment and duties. Presented in English and Spanish.

Dentist =

El dentista
Simple text and color photos show how dentists do their jobs, covering their equipment, clothing, and duties. Presented in English and Spanish.

The library =

La biblioteca
Presents a study of the various things to see and do at the library such as work on the computers and is written in both English and Spanish.

The playground

Brief introduction to the rides and places young people might find on a playground.


Looks at the role of doctors in a community, and explains what doctors do, where they work, and the tools they use.

The museum

Presents simple text and photos that introduce several things one might learn about in a museum such as constellations, dinosaurs, and the human body.


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