Royston, Angela

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Why we need proteins

Explains why the human body needs proteins to function healthily and what happens if people get too much or too little protein.

Why we need water and fiber

Examines the nutritional benefits of water and fiber and discusses how they help the digestive system function.

Polar bears and their homes

Photographs and facts provide information about polar bears, looking at where they live, what they eat, what they look like, and how they behave.

Ocean explorer!

Simple text and photographs introduce animals found in the ocean including sea horses, turtles, star fish, and sharks.

Why do I run?

Discusses the health benefits of running and other exercise, looks at what happens in the body when a person runs, and includes activities and a glossary.

The mouse

Discusses the behavior, habitat, and natural enemies of mice.

The hedgehog

Describes the physical characteristics, habits, and natural environment of the hedgehog.

Save the gorilla

Gorillas are surprisingly gentle and non-confrontational despite their size and strength. For decades, poaching, logging, and human diseases have ravaged their population until they have become endangered. Readers will learn engaging details about these gentle giants, the struggles they face, and what is being done to protect them.

Save the giant panda

As more and more land is cleared to expand cities in China, the giant panda faces increasing hardships. These shy and peaceful bears struggle with decreased food supply, dwindling living space, and hungrier predators. Readers will learn about this and much more, including ways they can pitch in to save the panda.

Save the tiger

Text and photographs provide an introduction to the tiger, and the efforts to protect it.


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