juvenile literature

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juvenile literature

Exploring Saturn

History of the exploration of Saturn from ancient astronomers to latest NASA findings. Includes website resources, and location guide for backyard observations.
Cover image of Exploring Saturn

Adventures in ancient Greece

Young Josh, Emma, and Libby Binkerton try to travel into the future but end up in ancient Greece instead, learning about Greek culture, and soon their temporal trip turns chaotic when Libby takes a chariot for a ride.
Cover image of Adventures in ancient Greece

Look what came from Egypt

Describes many familiar inventions, foods, customs, tools, toys and games, fasions, and more that originated in ancient Egypt.
Cover image of Look what came from Egypt

A sampler view of colonial life

Describes the samplers stitched by girls in colonial America and explains what these samplers tell about the lives of their makers. Includes simple projects.
Cover image of A sampler view of colonial life

Colonial days

discover the past with fun projects, games, activities, and recipes
Discusses colonial life in America, depicts a year in the life of a fictional colonial family, and presents projects and activities, such as butter churning, candle dipping, baking bread, and playing colonial games.
Cover image of Colonial days

Cat mummies

Describes the role cats played in Egyptian religious beliefs and practices.
Cover image of Cat mummies

The boys' war

Confederate and Union soldiers talk about the Civil War
Includes diary entries, personal letters, and archival photographs to describe the experiences of boys, sixteen years old or younger, who fought in the Civil War.
Cover image of The boys' war

The colonial wars

clashes in the wilderness
Chronicles the history of the Colonial Wars, also called the French and Indian Wars, which gave the British control of North America.
Cover image of The colonial wars


Introduces, through text and photographs, the characteristics of the seventh planet in the solar system.
Cover image of Uranus

Arctic & Antarctic

Explores the frozen beauty of the polar regions and the remarkable flora and fauna that survive in the hostile conditions.
Cover image of Arctic & Antarctic


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