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46 pages

Thomas Paine, Common sense, and the turning point to American independence
Thomas Paine, a native of Thetford, England, arrived in America's colonies with little in the way of money, reputation, or prospects, though he did have a letter of recommendation in his pocket from Benjamin Franklin. Paine also had a passion for liberty in all its forms, and an abiding hatred of tyranny. His forceful, direct expression of those principles found voice in a pamphlet he wrote entitled Common Sense, which proved to be the most influential political work of the time. Ultimately, Paine's treatise provided inspiration to the second Continental Congress for the drafting of the Declaration of Independence. 46 Pages is a dramatic look at a pivotal moment in our country's formation, a scholar's meticulous recreation of the turbulent years leading up to the Revolutionary War, retold with excitement and new insight.

The coming of the Civil War

Examines the causes of the Civil War, discussing rural economics in the early nineteenth century and looking at the role of slavery from various angles--Northern, Southern, and political.

Words of fire, deeds of blood

the mob, the monarchy, and the French Revolution
A history of the French Revolution recounting the events that signaled the birth of modern France.

Causes of the war

Discusses the various causes of the American Civil War.

Colonial life

the adventures of Benjamin Wilcox

The causes of the Civil War

the political, cultural, economic, and territorial disputes between North and South
Provides a chronological exploration of the political, cultural, and economic issues that influenced relations between the North and the South and caused the Civil War.

The outbreak of the Civil War

a nation tears apart
Documents the history of the events surrounding the outbreak of the Civil War, and describes the 1861 battle at Fort Sumter; the opposing views on slavery, politics, and the future policies of the United States; and includes a chronology and time line.

What this cruel war was over

soldiers, slavery, and the Civil War
The author presents a comprehensive account of how both Union and Confederate soldiers felt about the Civil War, how many on both sides eventually identified slavery as the root cause, and how the conflict changed the fabric of the nation.


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