
Geographic Name

A nation divided

the long road to the Civil War
This book provides an overview of economic, educational, and cultural differences between the North and South in the middle 1800s with emphasis on the critical issue of slavery.

Liberty or death

the American Revolution, 1763-1783
Presents a short history of the American Revolution, and examines key events and battles, patriots such as Sam Adams and Patrick Henry, loyalists, British and French soldiers, and George Washington.

Boston Tea Party

rebellion in the colonies
A Boston merchant describes the American colonists' act of protest against British taxation and the tea monopoly of the East India Company.

The Revolutionary War begins

would you join the fight?
Explores the beginning of the Revolutionary War, discussing the causes and leaders of the rebellion, and how the first shots fired at Lexington and Concord began America's long road to independence.

The Revolutionary War home front

Describes what life was like during the Revolutionary War, focusing on the experiences of wives, children, families, and friends left behind when the men went off to fight, discussing conditions on plantations, small farms, and in the cities, and the roles played by slaves and Native Americans in the conflict.

Why fight?

the causes of the American Civil War
Discusses the events leading up to the American Civil War, particularly the strongly held beliefs about the institution of slavery.

Colonies in revolt

Examines how the once strong colony-mother-country relationship between America and Britain began to sour through the 1760s and 1770s, planting the roots for the once unthinkable idea of revolution.

An album of the Civil War

A brief presentation of the causes, events, and aftermath of the four-year war that divided the nation.

The real revolution

the global story of American independence
Describes philosophical, political, and economic shifts around the world that led to what John Adams called the "real revolution" in America--changes in the American mindset--and explains how these changes brought about the explosive events that set off the Revolutionary War.


how the Revolutionary War began
Color illustrations fill this history of the events leading to the Revolutionary War, which describes such aspects as the Stamp Act, the Boston Massacre, and the "shot heard 'round the world.".


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