Presidential powerhouses

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Thomas Jefferson's presidency

"Thomas Jefferson, the third president of the United States, was a man of contradictions. Jefferson penned the most stirring claim of the Declaration of Independence: "all men are created equal." Yet during his lifetime, Jefferson owned hundreds of enslaved African Americans. An adamant believer in limited government, Jefferson nevertheless acted without constitutional power to buy land from France, the Louisiana Purchase that doubled the size of the United States. Jefferson died on the Fourth of July, 1826, exactly fifty years after the signing of the Declaration of Independence. Despite his contradictions, Jefferson's words continue to express the noble ideals of Americans freedom from tyranny and equality for all"

Andrew Jackson's presidency

"In 1829 Andrew Jackson became the seventh president of the United States, the first who did not come from a wealthy, east coast family. Jackson led an adventurous some would say notorious life. More than any president before him, he sought to represent the voters at this time, only white men and the common people who, in his view, built and sustained the nation. In addition to supporting slavery, Jackson's policy of forcing American Indians to move West led to disaster, including the death of thousands on the Trail of Tears. President Jackson left a controversial legacy that modern Americans still grapple with"

Abraham Lincoln'presidency

Abraham Lincoln was born to poor parents, in a log cabin on the western frontier of a young nation. The unity of the United States, which had been built on the ideal that all people are created equal, was cracking under the heavy yoke of slavery. As Lincoln embarked on his presidency, the slaveholding states in the South left the Union, causing him to face the American Civil War. Lincoln said the war was no less than a fight to save government of the people, by the people, and for the people. Though his life was cut short, Lincoln's leadership and his written words continue to inspire Americans.

James Madison's presidency

Presents the life of James Madison with particular focus on the history, accomplishments, and legacy of his presidency.

George Washington's presidency

Presents the life of George Washington with particular focus on the history, accomplishments, and legacy of his presidency.

John F. Kennedy's presidency

Presents the life of John F. Kennedy with particular focus on the history, accomplishments, and legacy of his presidency.

Franklin D. Roosevelt's presidency

Presents the life of Franklin D. Roosevelt with particular focus on the history, accomplishments, and legacy of his presidency.

Theodore Roosevelt's presidency

"Theodore Roosevelt was thrust into the presidency after William McKinley's assassination in 1901. He led the country into the Progressive Era, which meant stronger government controls over businesses and better protection of workers' rights, women, African Americans, and consumers. Roosevelt worked to spread U.S. influence around the world, and he was instrumental in the construction of the Panama Canal. While he had a mixed stance on civil rights issues, Roosevelt made bold stands for several African Americans. He also advocated for the conservation of national parks and monuments throughout the country. In his two terms as president, Roosevelt's domestic reforms and foreign policies left a lasting legacy"
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