Engineering our world

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How a car is made

Briefly examines each stage of the design and construction process of building a car.
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How a roller coaster is built

"Anyone who has visited an amusement park has likely seen the hills and loops of a roller coaster. For those who have felt the thrill of the ride, it's often the excitement of that first drop or the speed that follows that keeps them coming back for more. But before anyone can experience the adventure of a roller coaster, a lot of hard work must go into building it. Readers of this high-interest resource will learn all about the science and mechanics behind the construction of roller coasters"--Provided by publisher.

How an aircraft carrier is built

Readers will explore the creation of these mobile ocean giants.

How a submarine is built

Readers will learn about the ingenious engineering behind the submarines, from construction to the ins-and-outs of how they work, and more. STEM concepts help readers understand the science that makes submarines possible.

How a plane is made

Text and illustrations explore how airplanes are built.
Cover image of How a plane is made

How a bridge is built

Bridges are a big part of how people get from place to place. But how do they work and how are they built? In this engaging text, readers will explore these important engineering marvels that link places divided by water. Along the way they'll learn how to build their own model bridge with a step-by-step guide accompanied by full-color photographs of each step. Accessible text illuminates the science behind every span we drive over, and sometimes under.
Cover image of How a bridge is built

How a ship is built

Text and illustrations explore how ships are built.

How a ship is built

There are many different kinds of ships, from gigantic cargo ships carrying goods around the world to the cruise ships that are like floating cities. Even aircraft carriers are gigantic ships with airports on top. But how do we make these amazing boats? This exciting book takes readers behind the scenes and into the process shipbuilders use to make monster vessels that are safe enough to tackle the open ocean. Full-color photographs document every step of the journey from dry dock to castoff, and STEM topics are introduced through engaging text and detailed graphics to make this an unforgettable look at how ships get made.

How a plane is made

Text and illustrations explore how airplanes are built.

How a car is made

Automobiles are an essential part of life for many, but few really understand how that car arrives in their garage in the first place. This book takes an exciting look at just how interesting that process is, from the design phase in an engineer's office to the floor of a factory where it is assembled piece by piece by both people and machines. Full-color photographs bring the process to life in vivid detail, and a step-by-step how-to guide explains how readers can even build their very own model car.


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