Falatko, Julie

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Two dogs in a trench coat go to school

Sassy and Waldo are good dogs, who keep their house safe (from squirrels, mostly), and worry about their boy, Stewart, who always comes home from school smelling of anxiety; so the two dogs come up with a plan to help him--they will dress up in a trench coat and attend school, posing as a new student, to find out just what is bothering Stewart.
Cover image of Two dogs in a trench coat go to school

Snappsy the alligator and his best friend forever (probably)

Snappsy the alligator wants to spend a quiet evening reading, but a pesky chicken who insists he is Snappsy's best friend will not leave him alone.
Cover image of Snappsy the alligator and his best friend forever (probably)

Snappsy the alligator (did not ask to be in this book!)

"Snappsy's ordinary day is interrupted by a meddling narrator"--Provided by publisher.


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