Allen, Janet

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On the same page

shared reading beyond the primary grades
Explains how to teach language arts to students in grades 4-12 focusing on shared reading; covers such topics as strategic reading and comprehension, community knowledge and literature circles, vocabulary, modeled fluency, and personal, academic, and public writing.

There's room for me here

literacy workshop in the middle school
Describes strategies for teaching literacy students grades 3-12, explaining how to create a literacy workshop, choose effective resources, keep records, help students set goals and assess progress, use various methods of group and independent reading and writing, and use techniques helpful for context-specific texts.

Inside words

tools for teaching academic vocabulary grades 4-12
A practical guide that shows teachers how to help students understand the academic vocabulary found in textbooks and on tests and includes graphic organizers in both English and Spanish on a CD-ROM.

It's never too late

leading adolescents to lifelong literacy
Chronicles the teaching experiences of Janet Allen, and gives suggestions for helping students who are considered "at risk" learn to like school and take an active role in creating their own curriculum.

More tools for teaching content literacy

A flip-book of twenty-five strategies for teaching content reading and writing, each with a brief description, an explantion of how and why the instructional tool would be used, graphic organizers and models, and a documented research base.

Exciting things to do with color

Instructions for stenciling, spatter printing, rubbing, potato printing, lino cutting, marbling, and other printing techniques, using paints, and inks for color.

Scholastic read-aloud anthology

Presents thirty-five stories, poems, speeches, magazine articles, memoirs, and other selections for teachers to read aloud to students in grades five and up, designed to provoke discussion and sharpen skills in comprehension, listening, and higher-level thinking skills.

Best little wingman

Janny enjoys the special bond she has with her father as she helps him on his snowplow during a long, cold winter night.


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