Let's-read-and-find-out science. Stage 2

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Who lives in an alligator hole?

Describes the habitats of these reptiles which scientists call a "keystone species" because they change the environment for their own use in a way that helps many other plants and animals.

Tornado alert

Describes the origin and nature of tornadoes and how to stay safe when threatened by one of these dangerous storms.

Ant cities

Explains how ants live and work together to build and maintain their cities.

Where do polar bears live?

Describes the physical characteristics that make it possible for polar bears to live in the cold Arctic, discusses how global warming is affecting their environment, and suggests ways in which readers can help protect the Arctic regions.

Where did dinosaurs come from?

Simple text and color illustrations introduce readers to dinosaurs, describing their characteristics, where they came from, and their ancestors.

What happens to our trash?

Explains how people create too much waste, how it is disposed of in landfills, and how we need to increase recycling.

Life in a coral reef

Explains how coral reefs form, tells what they are made of, and describes some of the animals that live in or around coral reefs.


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