Young-Brown, Fiona

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The STEM of airplanes

"A book for young readers about the science behind the designing and building of airplanes"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of The STEM of airplanes

Declaring war

Explores the history of declaring war, including the government branches involved, the process, and more.

Seeing through internet hoaxes

"This volume analyzes the various types of hoaxes that appear online and in the news, providing readers with a comprehensive set of tools to discover whether a story, image, or quotation is true"--Amazon.
Cover image of Seeing through internet hoaxes

Fake news and propaganda

This resource looks at the rise of misinformation and the ease with which it now spreads. Through examples from the United States and democracies around the world, this book encourages readers to question the balance between constitutional rights and irreparable damage to democracy.
Cover image of Fake news and propaganda

Seeing through internet hoaxes

"This volume analyzes the various types of hoaxes that appear online and in the news, providing readers with a comprehensive set of tools to discover whether a story, image, or quotation is true"--Amazon.
Cover image of Seeing through internet hoaxes

Declaring war

This book contextualizes some of the conflicts in American history, from the last declaration of war for World War II to the conflicts of Vietnam through to Iraq and Afghanistan.

Plate tectonics

"A book for high school students about the revelation of plate tectonics and its effects on the earth"--Provided by publisher.

Edward Snowden

NSA contractor and whistle-blower
A biography that discusses Richard Snowden, a private subcontractor for the National Security Agency, and his revelation of the collection of private information from millions of telephone calls by United States government agencies.

Eleanor Roosevelt

first lady
A biography of Eleanor Roosevelt that explores her life and contributions as the First Lady of the United States.
Cover image of Eleanor Roosevelt

The universe to scale

similarities and differences in objects in our solar system
"How do the planets compare to one another? What about stars and galaxies? How do the differences in celestial bodies affect life here on Earth? ... [This book presents] information about the universe while also looking at how scientists built upon the research and theories of earlier generations. The book covers Next Generation Science Standards, includes the history of space travel, and discusses how these important missions have allowed astronomers to make accurate models of the planets, moons, suns, and more"--Provided by publisher.


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