While searching for a kidnapped girl, Usagi Yojimbo, the rabbit ronin, encounters hordes of yokai, or monsters and demons, that are gathering for a raid on the countryside, and works with Sasuke the Demon Queller to prevent the invasion.
Having won the Palace of the High Ones, the Wolfriders settle in to enjoy life for the first time, and all is peaceful until a someone kidnaps a Wolfrider child and delivers it to an enemy.
Taishakuten lures Yasha, Ashura, and Ruyy-ou to an abandoned village, where Yasha is kidnapped, leaving his fate lying in the balance as his friends attempt to rescue him.
An earthquake sends Dorothy and Zeb falling into the land of the Manaboos and they experience many adventures as they try to find their way back to Oz.
An earthquake sends Dorothy and Zeb falling into the land of the Manaboos and they experience many adventures as they try to find their way back to Oz.
An earthquake sends Dorothy and Zeb falling into the land of the Manaboos and they experience many adventures as they try to find their way back to Oz.
An earthquake sends Dorothy and Zeb falling into the land of the Manaboos and they experience many adventures as they try to find their way back to Oz.
An earthquake sends Dorothy and Zeb falling into the land of the Manaboos and they experience many adventures as they try to find their way back to Oz.
A time-travel trip to a mysterious island forces the Winx Club and the Specialists to work together, especially when pirates show up. Then, the Winx Club ends up in the middle of a robot rebellion when they travel to Tecna's home planet.