comic books, strips, etc

comic books, strips, etc

In real life

"Anda loves Coarsegold Online, the massively-multiplayer role playing game that she spends most of her free time on. It's a place where she can be a leader, a fighter, a hero. It's a place where she can meet people from all over the world, and make friends. But things become a lot more complicated when Anda befriends a gold farmer -- a poor Chinese kid whose avatar in the game illegally collects valuable objects and then sells them to players from developed countries with money to burn. This behavior is strictly against the rules in Coarsegold, but Anda soon comes to realize that questions of right and wrong are a lot less straightforward when a real person's real livelihood is at stake."--Cover flap.

One in a million

"Something is wrong with Claire, but she doesn't know what. Nobody does, not even her doctors. All she wants is to return to her happy and athletic teenage self. But her accumulating symptoms--chronic fatigue, pounding headaches, weight gain--hint that there's something not right inside Claire's body. Claire's high school experience becomes filled with MRIs, visits to the Mayo Clinic, and multiple surgeries to remove a brain tumor. But even in her most difficult moments battling chronic illness, Claire manages to find solace in her family, her closest friends, and her art. A deeply personal and visually arresting memoir that draws on the author's high school diaries and drawings, One in a Million is also a sophisticated portrayal of pain, depression, and fear that any teen or adult can relate to. With a sensitive preface and an author's note connecting past to present, this true story of resilience strikes a moving balance between raw honesty in the face of medical and mental trauma and the everyday musings of a teenager."--.

Star wars adventures

Heros of the Galaxy
Collects new stories from the world of Star Wars featuring such characters as Rey, Unkar, and Obi-Wan Kenobi.

Miles Morales: Spider-Man

Bring on the bad guys
It's time for Miles Morales to slow down and take stock! What do the young web-slinger's parents and friends, particularly Bombshell, think of all of that's happened? Miles may never get to learn the answers - he's about to be captured, tested and observed like a bug under glass by an unknown assailant! Miles will need help to escape this one. Good thing his dad's a former Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.! And there's no price Jefferson Davis wouldn't pay to get his son back. But the decisions this father-and-son duo make may come back to haunt them when one of the most formidable foes that Miles has ever faced returns! Prepare for a mystery dating back all the way to Miles' first appearance!.

My hero academia

Since the terrifying incident when Tomura's Quirk manifested, only the greatest villain of them all, All For One, has been able to speak to the broken young boy's heart. The consequences of that fateful meeting play out in the present as Tomura and Re-Destro, the leader of the Meta Liberation Army, battle for supremacy--and if it takes leveling a whole city to sort out who's on top, so be it!...Rated:T.


fear state saga
"Gotham City is on the brink of martial law as Batman fights a two-front battle! The Scarecrow is unleashing a devastating attack on the city while the Magistrate have made their move to invade! Gotham City is on the brink of a violent evolutionary path and the danger level to Batman and his allies reaching a fever pitch! The Magistrate now have full support from the mayor to handle high-level law enforcement in Gotham and have branded the Dark Knight as Public Enemy #1. Batman must also contend with the return of the Scarecrow who pursues his own terrifying agenda as he takes this chaotic moment to launch his FEAR STATE.".


before the Storm
Tells the story of the early life of Ororo Munroe before she became known as the X-Man Storm, following her life as an orphan thief on the streets of Cairo and her attempt to retrieve the Opal of Ozymandias from his tomb.

Poke?mon adventures

Gold discovers what Silver's mission is and uncovers the secret identity of the Masked Man. A massive battle is about to begin in the Ilex Forest, and the Legendary Poke?mon and the Poke?dex holders will all be there.

100 ghosts

a gallery of harmless haunts
A collection of illustrations of one hundred different kinds of ghosts, such as a cyclops ghost, a nudist ghost, and a grumpy cat ghost.


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