feature films

feature films


Pocahontas II : journey to a new world
Young Pocahontas must bridge the gap between her tribe and the settlers of Jamestown.

Mighty Joe Young

Jill Young and zoologist Gregg O'Hara move Joe, a fifteen-foot-tall gorilla, from the mountains of Central Africa to an animal preserve in California in order to protect him from poachers, but he soon becomes a target for a hunter who will stop at nothing to capture Joe.

Freaky Friday

A thirteen-year-old girl and her mother gain a much more sympathetic understanding of each other after they somehow switch bodies and lives one Friday the thirteenth.

The music man

A con man in the guise of a traveling salesman gets off the train in River City, Iowa. He convinces the town and the town librarian to finance a children's marching band instead of a pool hall.

Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban

Harry Potter and his friends return as teenagers to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry for their third year of study, where they delve into the mystery surrounding an escaped prisoner who seems to pose a threat to Harry.

Harry Potter and the deathly hallows

HP double feature
Follows the magical adventures of Harry Potter during his seventh and final year as a student of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry when Harry, Ron, and Hermione set out to track down and destroy the secret to Voldemort's power.

Stand by me

Four boys in late-1950s Oregon walk the train tracks in search of a missing teen, hoping to become heroes in each other's and their hometown's eyes.

The dark crystal

Jen, a Gelfling, sets out on a dangerous journey to find a powerful crystal's missing shard and take back his planet from the evil Skeksis. Includes making-of documentaries, character drawings, and deleted scenes.


A thrilling interpretation of one of Shakespeare's most famous and compelling characters, Macbeth is a dramatic re-imagining of the realities of war-torn times and a tale of all-consuming passion and ambition.

Toy story

The first full-lenght feature film animated entirely on computers, it catured audiences' hearts with a wonderful story that takes place inside an amazing three-dimensional world.


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