1st-10th amendments

1st-10th amendments

Interpreting the Bill of Rights

"The first ten amendments to the U.S. Constitution were written to safeguard individual liberties and limit government power. Was the Bill of Rights necessary, or did it open up a can of worms the framers didn't intend? Throughout the course of U.S. history, amendments have been subject to various interpretations, often to the point of contention. In this . . . anthology, readers will be exposed to the complex issues of interpreting a document that was created more than two hundred years ago"--Amazon.
Cover image of Interpreting the Bill of Rights

Documents of freedom

a look at the Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights, and the U.S. Constitution
Explores the origin, meaning, and importance of the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights.
Cover image of Documents of freedom

The Bill of Rights

Examines the United States Bill of Rights, how they were formed and the rights they protect.
Cover image of The Bill of Rights

The Second Amendment

the right to bear arms
Examines the history, meaning, and influence of the Second Amendment of the United States Constitution, and explores gun control laws, political violence, and the use of guns in both early and modern America.

The First Amendment

freedom of speech, the press, and religion
Explains how freedom of speech, freedom of the press, and freedom of religion are protected by the United States Constitution and explores how those freedoms have been denied, exploited, and protected throughout American history.

The Tenth Amendment

limiting federal powers
Examines the history, meaning, and influence of the Tenth Amendment of the United States Constitution, and explores modern interpretations of limiting federal power.

The Ninth Amendment

rights retained by the people
Explains the history and interpretations of the Ninth Amendment of the United States Constitution and explores how rights retained by the people have been denied, exploited, and protected throughout American history.

The Eighth Amendment

preventing cruel and unusual punishment
Examines the history and meaning of the Eighth Amendment of the United States Constitution and explores modern interpretations of the right against cruel and unusual punishment.

The Seventh Amendment

the right to a jury trial
Examines the history and meaning of the Seventh Amendment of the United States Constitution and explores modern interpretations of the right to a jury trial.

The Sixth Amendment

the rights of the accused in criminal cases
Examines the history and meaning of the Sixth Amendment of the United States Constitution and explores modern interpretations of the rights of the accused in criminal cases.


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