picture books

picture books

Most people

"Looks at the goodness of most people, pointing out how many more people there are in the world who would like to help others than would like to hurt them, and even most of those who do bad things can change."--OCLC.

Pug & Pig trick-or-treat

Pig is excited about Halloween but Pug loses his holiday spirit because of his uncomfortable costume.

Goodnight, hockey fans

"A young boy doesn't want to go to bed. The hockey game is on! After his parents have tucked him in and turned out the light, he shines a flashlight on his prized hockey possessions around his room: the posters of his favorite players, the pennant for his favorite team, the puck"--OCLC.

Papillon goes to the vet

When Papillon's hiccups cause him to stop floating, Miss Tilly rushes him to a clinic where, once he feels better, he makes new friends.

Long may she wave

the true story of Caroline Pickersgill and her star-spangled creation
"The story of [Caroline Pickersgill,] the girl who sewed the American flag that inspired the lyrics of the National Anthem ... Caroline Pickersgill came from a family of the best flag makers in Baltimore. She and her family proudly stitched the grand flag that gallantly whipped in the wind over Fort McHenry"--Provided by publisher.

The last tree

"A small boy longed to roll and play in the grass like his father had when he was a child. But the boy lived in a concrete city without any grass or trees. Then, one day the boy and his friend discovered a sapling hiding behind a low wall. The boy had never seen a tree before. He was so amazed, he dreamed about the tree. He imagined it tall. When they heard that a condominium was being built right on the spot where their tree was growing, the boy and his friend knew they had to dig it up and replant it in a safe place. They had to make sure the last tree survived"--OCLC.

Mighty Moby

The classic tale of the hunt for Moby Dick, the whale, with a new twist.

The forever garden

"A young girl and her neighbor bond over a love of gardening"--.

Merry Christmas, Peanut!

On Christmas, Peanut and his family head to Grandma's house for dinner and pick up some dinner guests along the way.

Ninja Claus!

"... Maxwell pits his ninja skills against Santa Claus"--.


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