In 1879, thirteen-year-old Everett Turner leaves a life of struggle on his family's farm and runs away to St. Louis, where he works in a livery stable before heading to the all-African-American town of Nicodemus, Kansas.
Eleven-year-old Tank and his older brother Jimbo, who both love baseball, can't believe their good fortune when Josh Gibson, home-run king of the Homestead Grays, stays at their house during a series in Nashville.
Eleven-year-old Tank and his older brother Jimbo, who both love baseball, can't believe their good fortune when Josh Gibson, home-run king of the Homestead Grays, stays at their house during a series in Nashville.
Gee recalls for her grandchildren what happened in 1960 in Nashville, Tennessee, when she, aged ten, passed out flyers while her cousin and other adults held sit-ins at restaurants and lunch counters to protest segregation.
In the summer of 1928, Lilly Belle Turner of Smyrna, Tennessee, participates in a young author's writing program, taught by Zora Neale Hurston and hosted by A'Lelia Walker in her Harlem teahouse at the height of the Harlem Renaissance.
In the summer of 1928, Lilly Belle Turner of Smyrna, Tennessee, participates in a young author's writing program, taught by Zora Neale Hurston and hosted by A'Lelia Walker in her Harlem teahouse at the height of the Harlem Renaissance.
Eleven-year-old Tank and his older brother Jimbo, who both love baseball, can't believe their good fortune when Josh Gibson, home-run king of the Homestead Grays, stays at their house during a series in Nashville.