
Topical Term

Troll swap

Timothy Limpet feels out of place in the troll family. He likes things to be just so, and most trolls, frankly, don't. Tabitha Lumpit likes things to be loud, loopy and messy and she feels a fish out of water in her very neat family.

Here comes Destructosaurus!

Destructosaurus comes in from the ocean, and makes a big mess. The narrator yells at him until he realizes that Destructosaurus is just looking for his Teddy bear. He apologizes for yelling and gives Destructosaurus a hug. However, Destructosaurus leaves before cleaning up his mess.

A Place for Everything

The 7 Habits of Happy Kids
After failing to find his favorite sneakers in time for the big basketball game, Jumper the rabbit learns how to put his room in order by organizing his possessions.

The Loch Mess monster

Angus, a very messy monster who lives with his parents in Loch Ness, learns an important lesson about picking up after himself.

Let's clean up!

When Joe messes up his room immediately after his mother has cleaned it, his method of straightening it up again does not meet with her approval.

Grub E. Dog

This dog needs to learn to keep himself neat and clean, to put his room in order, and to smile and not be mean; then friends will like to be with him.

Clean hands, dirty hands

Color photographs and text sung to the tune, "Row, row, row your boat," teach young readers when and how they should wash their hands.

Fix this mess!

Robug tries to obey when Jake instructs it to "Fix this mess!" but somehow manages to make things worse.

Where's my stuff?

Offers teens practical advice to help them become more organized, with tips on time management, organizing schoolwork, keeping a detailed daily planner, creating a welcoming, efficient room, and using different systems to bring orders to their school, home, and personal lives.

Where's my stuff?

the ultimate teen organizing guide
Offers tips for helping teens to become organized at school, at home, and while out, in a guide that shares step-by-step recommendations for decluttering, overcoming disorganized habits, and managing a schedule.


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