readers (publications)

readers (publications)

Dress-up day

Simple text and photographs look at pets dressing up.

This pig can fly

Simple text and photographs look at the many different things a pig can do.

You can't sleep here!

Simple text and photographs feature a story about a tired dog looking for a place to sleep.

What am I?

Simple text and photographs look at different features of farm animals.

Playful puppies

Simple text and photographs look at puppies playing with their favorite toys.

We are animals

Simple text and photographs look at different animals found in the wild.

I saw a dinosaur

Simple text and photographs feature a young explorer who goes back in time to see some dinosaurs.

I am bigger

Simple text and photographs look at a baby giraffe and its height compared to other animals.

Penguin's present

Simple text and photographs feature a story about a penguin who finds a present and looks for its owner.

What a sight I saw last night

Simple text and photographs look at animals in humorous situations.


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