readers (publications)

readers (publications)

A spot to haunt

Saul is a ghost. He has happily haunted the same house for years until the Spook Troop arrives. Now, Saul must find a new spot to haunt.
Cover image of A spot to haunt

Montague and the missing statues

Montague van Finch helps young artists with his free art club. But his own art is not selling at all. Then, someone steals Montague's art. Who would do this to the kind artist?.
Cover image of Montague and the missing statues

Stuck at home with Jokes Malone

Kid King is trapped with his clown, Jokes Malone. He wants to help people in town, but the snow is too deep! Can Kid King save them, or will he be trapped forever?.
Cover image of Stuck at home with Jokes Malone

No time for bed

Tash doesn't sleep. At night, Tash runs from the monsters in the jungle. But Tash cannot run forever. Then, Tash finds a family of bugs with a secret.
Cover image of No time for bed

The big chew

The crew of The Big Chew are on the search for treasure. However, their ship is falling apart. But do not worry, they have a way to fix it! They use lots and lots of gum! Is it just as good as glue?.
Cover image of The big chew

Do not feed the cow sprouts

Never feed a cow sprouts! Dan knows this, but someone has done it anyway. As Dan's house fills with a foul smell, he must find a way to escape. Can he do it?.
Cover image of Do not feed the cow sprouts

Prawns at dawn

Fish foes Keeth and Erika have had enough. It has come down to prawns at dawn. For the winner, life can return to normal. The loser must leave forever.
Cover image of Prawns at dawn

Abigail Toenail and the clipper of doom

Abigail Toenail has a big fear. She fears the toenail clipper. But Abigail needs to decide what she is more afraid of. Is it the toenail clipper or supersized, smelly toenails?.
Cover image of Abigail Toenail and the clipper of doom

The no-kids club

Moms and dads keep sneaking away from their kids, but why? A group of clever kids form Spies for Lies. Together, they plan to solve the mystery and uncover the truth once and for all!.
Cover image of The no-kids club

A holiday gift

There is a giant gift for Fay under the tree. What could it be? Could it be lots of clay? What about a big railway? What would be the greatest gift of all?.
Cover image of A holiday gift


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