nonfiction comics

nonfiction comics

Escape from hotel infinity

"Something strange is going on at Hotel Infinity and you are determined to figure out what. Can you find the kidnapped professor, avoid being brain-drained, and solve puzzles to escape safely? Make your way through this thrilling adventure, using your math skills to decide how the plot unfolds."--Back cover.
Cover image of Escape from hotel infinity

Attack on Circuit City

Sucked into a data system, readers must use statistical skills to save a school's computer network, known as Circuit City, from deadly bugs, bots and viruses.
Cover image of Attack on Circuit City

Lost in the fourth dimension

"You're lost in the fourth dimension and need to steer your spaceship back to Earth! Can you navigate planets and maps, avoid scary aliens, and figure out puzzles to ensure you make it home? Make your way through this thrilling adventure, using your math skills to decide how the plot unfolds."--Back cover.
Cover image of Lost in the fourth dimension

The Island of Tomorrow

Readers must use their geometry skills to solve problems iwhile on a treasure hunt.
Cover image of The Island of Tomorrow

The A-Z of Marvel monsters

In graphic novel format looks at twenty six monsters from American comic book artist, Jack Kirby.
Cover image of The A-Z of Marvel monsters

Cuarto Oscuro

recuerdos en blanco y negro
In graphic novel format, Argentine American Lila Quintero Weaver describes her thoughts and experiences growing up in Alabama in the midst of the racial strife and the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s.
Cover image of Cuarto Oscuro

Action presidents

real history! fake jokes!
A humorous look at the life of United States president Abraham Lincoln.
Cover image of Action presidents

Six days in Cincinnati

a graphic account of the riots that shook the nation a decade before Black Lives Matter
A graphic novel account of the six days of riots that followed the 2001 shooting of Timothy Thomas, a black youth, by a white police officer in Cincinnati, Ohio.
Cover image of Six days in Cincinnati


"Based on actual events, Fieldhouse is the ... story of Scotty Novosel and his journey to play basketball for the Kansas Jayhawks"--Back cover.
Cover image of Fieldhouse

Comics for choice

illustrated abortion stories, history, and politics
In graphic novel format over sixty artists and writers share their own experiences on the history of abortion, current political struggles, activism, and more.
Cover image of Comics for choice


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