spanische reitschule (vienna, austria)

spanische reitschule (vienna, austria)

They saved the stallions

"As World War II drew to a close, unlikely allies, including the director for the Spanish Riding School in Vienna and a group of daring American soldiers, banded together in order to save Austria's beloved Lipizzaner stallions"--.

The perfect horse

the daring rescue of horses kidnapped by Hitler : adapted for young people
American soldiers, aided by an Austrian colonel who was both an Olympian and a trainer of Lipizzaners, attempt to kidnap horses that had been taken by Nazis "for the glorification of the Third Reich" and smuggle them to safety.

The perfect horse

the daring rescue of horses kidnapped by Hitler : adapted for young people
American soldiers, aided by an Austrian colonel who was both an Olympian and a trainer of Lipizzaners, attempt to kidnap horses that had been taken by Nazis "for the glorification of the Third Reich" and smuggle them to safety.
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