Pfeffer, Wendy

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Wolf pup

Photographs and simple text for beginning readers introduce wolf pups, and examines their first year of life.

The big flood

An account of the great midwestern flood of 1993.

A log's life

A great oak tree, struck down by lightning, becomes home to a variety of creatures over the years, and eventually rots away into a rich mound of dirt that serves as host to an acorn that becomes another mighty oak.

The longest day

celebrating the summer solstice
Explores how cultures around the world celebrate and recognize the summer solstice.

Sounds all around

Explains how sounds are made and the purposes they serve for both humans and other animals.

A log's life

Introduction to the life cycle of a tree.

Polar bears

Discusses the life cycle and physical characteristics of the polar bear.

We gather together

celebrating the harvest season
Explains what the autumnal equinox is, describes how animals prepare for winter, and explores the ways people around the world gather--and celebrate--their fall harvests, as well as how it has been done throughout history. Includes educational activities.

High mountains

Looks at the various kinds of animals, including mountain goats, pikas, yaks, and bighorn sheep, that survive in the world's tallest mountain ecosystems.

Hot deserts

Looks at the various kinds of plants and animals, including camels, cactuses, and snakes, that survive in desert ecosystems throughout the world.


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