Offers school leaders advice on running a school, with tips for evaluating teachers, securing funding, working with parents, managing meetings, and making a difference in the community.
practical strategies from dramatically improved schools
Schmoker, Michael J
Presents case studies from five schools whose students have shown great learning increases, demonstrating the differences created in results when teachers regularly, collaboratively review assessment data in order to reach measurable achievement goals.
Critiques the traditional view of schools as formal organizations, and introduces a theory of community as an alternative; discusses the many benefits of community-like relationships in schools; and presents examples of community building in practice.
Presents a collection of eight essays that describes the inclusion of students with disabilities in the regular classroom, and discusses cooperative learning programs and multicultural education as well as ways to facilitate change to accommodate special education students.
66 things you can do to improve your school without spending an extra penny : a guide for parents & everyone concerned about the education of our children
Miller, Mary Susan
Provides effective ways to make a difference in schools from renting out school space to turning students into teachers' aides.
Examines the impact school leadership has on student achievement and lists twenty-one leadership responsibilities that have a significant effect on student achievement.