pictorial works

pictorial works

One little chicken

Retells a story in the Talmud about a family that cares for a lost chicken, turning its eggs into a profit which they later give to its owner.
Cover image of One little chicken

Maia and what matters

Maia is an impatient little scamp. When something pops into her head, she wants it. Now! Right this minute! Her grandma's just the same and they get along like a house on fire. One day Grandma falls ill and loses her control over words. The grown-ups don't seem to understand her, but Maia never loses sight of her strong, wonderful grandma and knows exactly what she means. A heart-warming masterpiece of a picture book.

The Pout-Pout fish goes to school

Mr. Fish recalls how, on his very first day of school, he anxiously went to one classroom after another watching students do things he could not, until Miss Hewitt showed him to the room that was right for beginners.
Cover image of The Pout-Pout fish goes to school

What happens next?

seed to plant
Photographs and simple text help toddlers learn sequencing while learning how a tomato plant grows from seed to maturity. Includes tips for helping young children learn sequencing skills.--.
Cover image of What happens next?

Before we go to bed

Barney is having a wonderful time with Grandpa. Will the two of them ever get to sleep?.


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