health and hygiene

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health and hygiene

Killing the Wittigo

Indigenous culture-based approaches to waking up, taking action, and doing the work of healing : a book for young adults
"Killing the Wittigo explains the traumatic effects of colonization on Indigenous people and communities and how trauma alters an individual's brain, body, and behavior. It explores how learned patterns of behavior -- the ways people adapt to trauma to survive -- are passed down within family systems, thereby affecting the functioning of entire communities. The book foregrounds Indigenous resilience through song lyrics and as-told-to stories by young people who have started their own journeys of decolonization, healing, and change. It also details the transformative work being done in urban and on-reserve communities through community-led projects and Indigenous-run institutions and community agencies. These stories offer concrete examples of the ways in which Indigenous peoples and communities are capable of healing in small and big ways -- and they challenge readers to consider what the dominant society must do to create systemic change"--Publisher.
Cover image of Killing the Wittigo

Morning routine

"Emergent readers see and read about a morning routine, including making the bed, brushing hair and teeth, eating breakfast, and preparing for the day"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of Morning routine

Narwhal's sweet tooth

"Narwhal and Jelly learn a thing or two about tusk-tooth dental hygiene . . . and feelings! Everyone knows that Narwhal is a big fan of sugary treats--but Jelly is shocked when Narwhal's tusk-tooth isn't looking so pearly white anymore. Thankfully, no one knows more about dental hygiene than Shark--he has seven rows of teeth, after all! Meanwhile, Jelly and Crab try to teach Narwhal that it's fine to frown if you're feeling down. Can Narwhal's friends convince the happiest creature in the ocean that it's okay to be upset?"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of Narwhal's sweet tooth

Wonderful me

a first guide to taking care of yourself
Discover simple ways children can look after themselves, from naming feelings and moving their body, to building boundaries, and caring for their friends! Learning to look after yourself is an important part of growing up, and it can also be fun! By being mindful of their mental, physical, and social wellbeing, children can be more confident in navigating tricky situations and new experiences. Whether it is taking care of their senses, learning about respect, or unwinding when they feel overwhelmed, this book is packed full of helpful ideas and tips for little ones and their grown-ups.

Self-care for college students

from orientation to graduation, 150+ easy ways to stay happy, healthy, and stress-free
"[Geared to college students, this book] offers suggestions that help you tackle every aspect of taking care of yourself from the simplest tasks to rewarding activities that might require more planning. Whether it is making sure you eat a healthy meal to utilizing your school's support services, there is advice for any situation. In this book, find realistic and practical self-care activities that you can try right away to maximize your college experience"--Provided by publisher.

The college wellness guide

"Provides a mix of information, resources, and self-assessment activities to help students reach and maintain their overall health"--Provided by publisher.


journeys to healthy binding
"[A] . . . graphic guide for people interested in chest-binding as a form of gender-affirming care"--Provided by publisher.

Social media and the internet

"A recent study found that teenagers spend as much as nine hours a day in front of various types of screens. What impact is all that electronic input having? This book examines the many ways in which social media in particular, and the internet in general, can affect our health, both mental and physical. Online safety, privacy, and dealing with cyberbullies are all discussed. The goal is to make sure that we use social media, rather than letting social media use us"--Back cover.

School and your health

"The average teen spends more time at school than anywhere except in bed asleep. This book investigates how your health can affect your experience at school. It looks at both chronic illness and mental health issues, providing some basic information on the most common diagnoses that impact teens. It also provides tips on stress management, identigying high-risk behaviors, and other ways you can stay healthy at school"--Back cover.

Living a healthy lifestyle

Provides teens with a solid and practical introduction to living a healthy lifestyle, covering healthy diet, grocery shopping, cooking, exercising, mental health, and more.


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