Cause-and-effect disasters

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Death in the Donner party

a cause-and-effect investigation
Build a deeper understanding of the hardships American pioneers faced by examining the story of the ill-fated Donner Party, who were trapped in the Sierra Nevada mountains during the harsh winter of 1846-1847.

The Irish Potato Famine

a cause and effect investigation
Discover how the great Irish potato famine resulted in 1 million deaths between 1845 and 1852 and led to a huge wave of emigration.

The Great Chicago Fire

a cause and effect investigation
In 1871, a tragic fire destroyed a major section of Chicago, Illinois, killing nearly 300 people and leaving more than 100,000 homeless. These are the stories of those who experienced it.

Hurricane Katrina and the flooding of New Orleans

a cause-and-effect investigation
Explores, through the lens of cause and effect, what led to the disaster in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina made landfall.
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