
Topical Term

The story of life on earth

tracing its origins and development through time
Traces 3500 million years of the development of life to the present day. Includes time charts, maps, diagrams, and paintings of geological time periods.

My beloved Brontosaurus

on the road with old bones, new science, and our favorite dinosaurs
The author explores modern developments in the field of paleontology, focusing on studies pertaining to dinosaurs and revealing up-to-date information about them. Details the reasons dinosaurs serve as such a source of fascination among the general public and includes anecdotes from the author about his own obsession with the creatures.

The fossil factory

a kid's guide to digging up dinosaurs, exploring evolution, and finding fossils
Describes fossils, how to collect them, and what they reveal about dinosaurs and other creatures that inhabited the earth millions of years ago.

Dinosaurs of the world

Contains over two hundred alphabetized, cross-referenced entries on dinosaur species, dinosaur groups, animals that lived alongside dinosaurs, and related topics such as continental drift and dinosaur reconstruction, and includes color illustrations and maps, box features, and reference tools.

A Extreme dinosaurs! Q &

A question and answer format provides information about the physical characteristics and behaviors of a variety of dinosaurs.

Giant predators of the ancient seas

Describes the sea creatures that could be found when much of the southeastern United States was covered by seawater during the Cretaceous period.


clues to ancient life
Describes how fossils form, are found, and are studied, presents information on dinosaurs and other ancient animals, and discusses fossil fuels and pollution.

Bill Nye the science guy's great big dinosaur dig

Describes over thirty species of dinosaurs and includes "12 prehistoric experiments.".

The Macmillan book of dinosaurs and other prehistoric creatures

Traces the history and development of dinosaurs and other prehistoric animals and discusses how scientists have pieced together information about these animals by studying their fossilized remains.

Great dinosaur hunters

Recounts how different professional and amateur fossil hunters discovered the remains of many different species of dinosaurs.


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