Atkinson, Cale

Compare Name: 

Simon and Chester

"Chester lives with his Grandma, his cat Mr. Pickles and Simon the ghost. Simon and Chester are best friends. Their attic is the location for some of the best activities known to humankind...But Chester has also befriended a non-ghost named Amie, and she is coming over to work on their science fair project. Amie has a surprising idea for this project, and Simon and Chester's friendship will be put to the test as a result"--Provided by publisher.

Super frenemies!

"Chester's school friend, Amie, blames Simon--after all, if Chester wasn't trying to save him, he wouldn't have been sucked up. And Simon blames Amie--after all, if Amie's dad wasn't a ghost hunter, there wouldn't be a trap there in the first place. But these two sworn enemies are going to have to work together to save Chester before the containment unit is emptied . . . into the void! Will they save him in time? Will they change their minds about each other? Will Chester make some new ghoul friends while he's trapped? Read on to find out . . ."--Amazon.

Simon and Chester

Chester lives with his Grandma, his cat Mr. Pickles and Simon the ghost. Lately Chester has been feeling like he's missing out when he sees other families out doing fun family things. So when Chester gets the opportunity to join his friend Amie and her family on a trip to the water park, he is in. Meanwhile, Simon is off to his yearly ghost conference, excited to finally have something to show off about (haunting his very own house, for example) to the cool ghosts. Maybe they'll even accept him into their group! Will things go as planned?"--Provided by publisher.

Super family!

Chester lives with his Grandma, his cat Mr. Pickles and Simon the ghost. Lately Chester has been feeling like he's missing out when he sees other families out doing fun family things. So when Chester gets the opportunity to join his friend Amie and her family on a trip to the water park, he is in. Meanwhile, Simon is off to his yearly ghost conference, excited to finally have something to show off about (haunting his very own house, for example) to the cool ghosts. Maybe they'll even accept him into their group! Will things go as planned?"--Provided by publisher.

Super detectives!

Sir Simon Spookington, professional scarer, gets transferred to a house to haunt, but something changes when he meets Chester.

Super sleepover!

Join Simon and Chester during Chester's very first sleepover.

Sir Simon

super scarer
Finally, finally, Sir Simon the ghost gets to move into a house to haunt, and what's more he gets a pair of old folks moving in, the easiest people to haunt and scare. What he did not count on was Chester, the old lady's grandson, coming along. Soon Chester finds Simon, and proves unflappable--so, Simon's only option is to let Chester come along and be a ghost with him.

Simon and Chester

Super family!
"Chester lives with his Grandma, his cat Mr. Pickles and Simon the ghost. Lately Chester has been feeling like he's missing out when he sees other families out doing fun family things. So when Chester gets the opportunity to join his friend Amie and her family on a trip to the water park, he is IN. Meanwhile, Simon is off to his yearly ghost conference, excited to finally have something to show off about (haunting his VERY OWN HOUSE, for example) to the cool ghosts. Maybe they'll even accept him into their group! Will things go as planned?"--.
Cover image of Simon and Chester

Super sleepover!

Join Simon and Chester during Chester's very first sleepover.
Cover image of Super sleepover!

Simon and Chester

"Welcome to the world of Simon and Chester, ghost and boy duo extraordinaire. They like to kick butt and take names. They don't like chores. They are best friends. And they are about to solve the MYSTERY OF A LIFETIME. (Oh, and eat some snacks probably.) Join Simon and Chester in their first adventure, and fall in love with this hilarious odd couple by fan favorite author and illustrator Cale Atkinson"--From the publisher's web site.
Cover image of Simon and Chester


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