

Laura Bush

first lady
A brief biography of Laura Bush, including her childhood, her college years, her career as a teacher, her marriage to George W. Bush, and her life and work as First Lady, first of Texas and then of the United States.

Dear Mem Fox, I have read all your books even the pathetic ones

and other incidents in the life of a children's book author
Author recounts how she became a writer.

Bill Clinton

eyes on the future
The story of Billy Blythe, who was born three months after his father was killed in an automobile accident, became an energetic leader in school, and, taking on his stepfather's name, became Bill Clinton, Governor of Arkansas and President of the United States.

Supreme injustice

how the high court hijacked election 2000
Explores the Supreme Court's decision to end the 2000 presidential election, discussing how the decision was reached and how it will affect the future of politics.

Losing America

confronting a reckless and arrogant presidency

Jews for Buchanan

did you hear the one about the theft of the American presidency?
Draws from newspaper articles, political cartoons, election-related documents, and Web sites to provide an indictment of the 2000 presidential election, and support for the author's contention that Al Gore, and not George W. Bush, really won the contest.

The prosecution of George W. Bush for murder

Prosecutor argues there is overwhelming evidence President Bush took the nation to war in Iraq under false pretenses and must be held accountable for what considers to be monumental crimes.

United States v. George W. Bush et al.

The author presents a hypothetical indictment of President George Bush, Richard Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Condoleezza Rice, and Colin Powell maintaining that Bush tricked the nation into war.

The greatest story ever sold

the decline and fall of truth from 9/11 to Katrina
Examines White House propaganda from the September 11, 2006, terrorist attacks through Hurricane Katrina, arguing that the Bush administration fabricated and put a spin on events and statements in order to receive public support. Includes a time line that compares administration spin to actual events.

Blinded by the right

the conscience of an ex-conservative


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