Aylesworth, Thomas G

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Servants of the devil

Traces the history of witchcraft from ancient to present times concentrating on various rituals, practices, and the trials of accused witches.

US territories & possessions

Guam, Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands, American Samoa, North Mariana Islands
Discusses the geographical, historical, and cultural aspects of Guam, Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands, American Samoa, and the North Mariana Islands. Includes maps, illustrated fact spreads, and other illustrated materials.

It works like this

Briefly explains the mechanisms of such machines and instruments as a vacuum cleaner, fountain pen, barometer, speedometer, and camera.

The story of vampires

Presents vampire lore from various parts of the world.

The story of vampires

Presents vampire lore from various parts of the world.

Southern New England

Discusses the geographical, historical, and cultural aspects of Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island.

The story of vampires

Presents vampire lore from various parts of the world.

Monsters from the movies

A survey of the best-known monsters of movies from the nineteenth century to the present, including discussions of the folklore and fiction that contributed to their creation and development.

Eastern Great Lakes :Let's Discover the States

Indiana, Michigan, Ohio
Discusses the geographical, historical, and cultural aspects of Ohio, Indiana, and Michigan.

Mid-Atlantic :Let's Discover the States

Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania
Discusses the geographical, historical, and cultural aspects of Pennsylvania, Delware, and Maryland.


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