asimov, isaac

asimov, isaac

Short stories for students

presenting analysis, context, and criticism on commonly studied short stories
Presents vital information on the most-studied short stories at the high school and early-college levels. Each entry contains author biography, plot summary, characters, themes, style, historical context, critical overview, and criticism.

Novels for students

presenting analysis, context, and criticism on commonly studied novels
Provides critical overviews of novels from various cultures and time periods. Includes discussions of plot, characters, themes and structure as well as the work's cultural and historical significance.

Isaac Asimov

Provides in-depth analysis of the life, works, career, and critical importance of Isaac Asimov.

Isaac Asimov

critical insights
Cover image of Isaac Asimov

Isaac Asimov

Profiles the life and career of science fiction and science writer Isaac Asimov.

In joy still felt

the autobiography of Isaac Asimov, 1954-1978
The second volume of the autobiography of scientist and prolific author, Isaac Asimov.

Isaac Asimov's Robot City, volume one

A thrilling new robot mystery set in the world of the late Isaac Asimov.

I. Asimov

a memoir
Isaac Asimov's memoir looking back at his long writing career, and discussing subjects he has never before addressed.

Isaac Asimov

writer of the future
Describes the life and career of the prolific writer who is known for writing nearly 500 books of both science fiction and non-fiction.


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