education, primary

Topical Term
education, primary

Moving up from kindergarten to first grade

Text and photographs detail for preschoolers what they can expect in first grade.

Rhymes & reasons

literature and language play for phonological awareness
An annotated bibliography of more than 350 books appropriate for primary grade-level students, which encourage phonological awareness; suggests activities to use with the texts and groups the books into categories such as "alliterative texts, " "rhyming texts, " and "song texts.".

Phonemic awareness activities for early reading success

Contains activities designed to prepare children for phonics instruction.

A poem a day

Contains 180 poems selected to correspond to classroom themes and topics throughout the school year, each with an activity and/or picture book link.

Portfolios and other assessments

This book explains the relationships between the types of performance assessments now being used and how they fit into an existing portfolio system.

Portfolio Planner

a step-by-step guide to portfolio assessment
This is described as a user-tested, prepackaged, step-by-step portfolio assessment method.

Ready-to-use multicultural activities for primary children

Sixty-seven detailed lessons with over 150 reproducible multicultural activities for the kindergarten through third-grade classroom that helps children develop an understanding of race, gender, nationality, ethnicity, and language.

Read it again!

standards-based literature lessons for young children
Presents thirty standards-based literature lessons for preschool, kindergarten, and early elementary children, each with a summary of a featured picture book, a skills table, and two or more related activities.

Story stretchers for the primary grades

activities to expand children's favorite books
Contains teaching activities based on stories in 90 titles. Books are arranged by curriculum units.

Making the most of small groups

differentiation for all
Explains the role teachers play in small-group instruction and offers practical strategies to help teachers structure better small-group activities in the classroom.


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