Carey, Valerie Scho

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Harriet and William and the terrible creature

Adventurous Harriet and her twin brother William, who likes to stay at home, fly in a spaceship to a distant planet to help an unhappy dragon.

Maggie Mab and the bogey beast

A spirited adaptation of a traditional tale about a feisty, good-natured old woman's run-in with the fabled bogey beast.

The Devil & Mother Crump

The Devil meets his match in a feisty old baker woman who tricks him into granting her three very strange wishes.

Tsugele's broom

Despite the urgings of her well-meaning parents, a self-sufficient Polish girl insists she'll never marry unless she meets a man who is as reliable as her broom.

Quail song

a Pueblo Indian tale
A retelling of a traditional Pueblo Indian tale in which Quail outwits a persistent Coyote.
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