
Topical Term

Maps, curves, and fractals

fun, hands-on activities for learning with coloring maps, stitching curves, and fantastic fractals
Through a combination of math games, logic puzzles, activities, and hands-on demonstrations with things like prisms, kids will explore math concepts with renewed excitement.
Cover image of Maps, curves, and fractals


Color photographs and simple text introduces pyramids along with examples of pyramids in the real world.
Cover image of Pyramids


Color photographs and simple text introduces cone shapes and give examples of cones in the real world.
Cover image of Cones


After Triangle plays a trick on Square, Square plans to reciprocate but runs into trouble when he tries to enter the triangular doorway of Triangle's home.
Cover image of Tri?ngulo


Explores such concepts as mathematical shape and symmetry.
Cover image of Patterns


Sort it by shape
Text and photographs explore shape.
Cover image of Formas

Building with shapes

Presents a children's book on the different kinds of shapes that are used in various buildings such as cube-shaped structures like skyscrapers and Native American cave dwellings, domes, ovals like the Colosseum, cylinders, and pyramids.
Cover image of Building with shapes

Sizes and shapes

Presents the basic concepts of sizes and shapes using examples and games to reinforce simple math skills.
Cover image of Sizes and shapes

Where is it?

Photographs and simple text describe the relative positions of objects and introduce location words such as under and between.
Cover image of Where is it?

A circle here, a square there

my shapes book
Labeled illustrations of familiar objects introduce shapes, including circle, square, triangle, rectangle, oval, heart, diamond, star, crescent, and octagon.
Cover image of A circle here, a square there


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