north america

Geographic Name
north america

The early American wilderness

as the explorers saw it
A view of America that once was, drawn from journals and letters kept by explorers from the Norsemen of the sagas to the Lewis and Clark expedition.

The first frontier

the forgotten history of struggle, savagery, and endurance in early America
Presents a history of the period during which the Eastern seaboard was a frontier between colonizing Europeans and Native Americans.

Native roots

how the Indians enriched America
A study of the Indians of North America and their essential role in the making of the United States.

The exploration of North America

Readers navigate this fact-filled book as it takes them through the history of North American discovery and exploration, detailing all of the successes, hardships, dangers, and accomplishments of key figures in exploration history. From the mighty Mississippi to the Rockies, up to Canada and down to Mexico, readers will learn about Columbus, Lewis and Clark, Smith, and many more. Fascinating fact boxes enhance the historical and informative content, while supporting captions and sidebars provide interesting facts about explorers and their voyages. Eye-catching and authentic illustrations give readers a feel for the period, transporting them back in time to the golden age of North American exploration. Detailed Table of Contents, Fact Boxes, For Further Information Section, Further Reading, Glossary, Index, Maps, Social Studies Content.

Exploration into North America

Text and illustrations describe the history and culture of various Native American peoples and discuss such topics as European exploration, colonization, and treaties of the twentieth century.

Prehistoric people of North America

Describes how archaeologists have used a variety of methods to learn about the past and assemble a picture of prehistoric Native American life.

North America

Provides facts about North America, highlighting some of the continent's amazing natural features, plants, animals, and peoples, and including photographs, maps, and a time line.

The escape

Estrella is a filly, daughter of the lead mare, one of a shipment of horses bound for the new world, but when the ship is becalmed and the horses are dropped overboard to lighten the load, Estrella finds that it is up to her to lead the herd to land and safety.

The shaping of North America from earliest times to 1763

A history of North America concentrating on European interests and rivalries and their influence on the development of the New World.

North America

Profiles twelve significant natural and man-made places and monuments in North America, including the Rocky Mountains, the Panama Canal, and the Statue of Liberty, describing their histories and unique features.


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