children with disabilities

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children with disabilities


Robert Hoge was born with a tumor the size of a tennis ball in the middle of his face and short, twisted legs, but he refused to let what made him different stand in the way of leading a happy, successful life. This is the true story of how he embraced his circumstances and never let his "ugly" stop him from focusing on what truly mattered.

The mind's eye

Kit Cavendish, confined to a wheelchair, has the psychic power to place herself into the minds of others, and one day psychically encounters Henri, a Norwegian boy witnessing the German occupation of Oslo.

Working with challenging parents of students with special needs

Offers advice for teachers who work with the parents of special needs children and gives suggestions to develop positive communication with parents, be aware of cultural differences, deal with anger, denial, and resistance, and work with noncustodial or foster parents.

Curious George joins the team

Curious George is invited to join a basketball team, but the kids on the team are surprised when George's friend Tina, who is in a wheelchair, wants to play too. It's up to George to show the team that Tina can do anything she puts her mind to.

Design and deliver

planning and teaching using universal design for learning

The first day speech

Nathan, a child born with a facial cleft, anxiously awaits the first day of school with both excitement and nervousness and he wonders if his classmates will accept him even though he looks different?.

Bella's gift

how one little girl transformed our family and inspired a nation
On May 13, 2008 Isabella Maria was born, the eighth child of Rick and Karen Santorum. While the family rejoiced, they were also saddened. Isabella was born with a rare genetic condition called Trisomy 18, or Edward's Syndrome. She had an extra eighteenth chromosome in every cell in her body, making a genetic code doctors call "incompatible with life". Only ten percent of children born with this condition are born alive, and ninety percent do not make it to their first birthday. The Santorums refused to accept this fact, and made plans for Isabella's life with her family. During the next seven years, the Santorum family adjusted to life with a special-needs child and watched her transform their lives. Bella was a joy to live with and she became an inspiration to everyone around her.

Say What You Will

Born with cerebral palsy, Amy can't walk without a walker, talk without a voice box, or even fully control her facial expressions. Plagued by obsessive-compulsive disorder, Matthew is consumed with repeated thoughts, neurotic rituals, and crippling fear. Both in desperate need of someone to help them reach out to the world, Amy and Matthew are more alike than either ever realized. When Amy decides to hire student aides to help her in her senior year at Coral Hills High School, these two teens are thrust into each other's lives. As they begin to spend time with each other, what started as a blossoming friendship eventually grows into something neither expected.

One step at a time

a Vietnamese child finds her way
Relates the experiences of Tuyet, an orphan from Vietnam who was adpoted by a Canadian family, as she underwent operations to correct damage done to one of her legs from polio and struggled with memories of the Vietnam War.

Loving Rachel

a family's journey from grief
A mother describes the difficult task of coping with a handicapped child as their family moved from grief to acceptance.


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