Submitted by khenkes on Mon, 02/24/2020 - 15:25
Pictures of 140 common trees, identifying their leaves, fruit, form, range, and uses.
Submitted by khenkes on Mon, 02/24/2020 - 15:25
A guide to approximately 200 of the most commonly viewed American wildflowers, with 134 color paintings. Flowers are grouped by color.
Submitted by khenkes on Mon, 02/24/2020 - 15:25
A guide to plants which reproduce without bearing flowers, including a general introduction and suggested activities. Divided by type of plant: algae, fungi, lichens, mosses, liverworts, ferns, and gymnosperms.
Submitted by khenkes on Mon, 02/24/2020 - 15:25
Descriptions and identifications of species of seashells from all over the world. Full-color photographs make identification very easy and quick.
Submitted by khenkes on Mon, 02/24/2020 - 15:25
Includes information on collecting and identifying minerals, and sections on metallic, nonmetallic, gem and rock-forming minerals, and on igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks.
Submitted by khenkes on Tue, 02/11/2020 - 18:53
Includes information on collecting and identifying minerals, and sections on metallic, nonmetallic, gem and rock-forming minerals, and on igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks.
Submitted by khenkes on Tue, 02/11/2020 - 18:53
Describes the many small plants that do not produce flowers, but which we find around us every day, such as ferns, mushrooms and mosses.
Submitted by khenkes on Tue, 02/11/2020 - 18:53
Sections on turtles, lizards, snakes, alligators and crocodiles, frogs and toads, and salamanders give information on description, habits and range for each species common in the United States.
Submitted by khenkes on Tue, 02/11/2020 - 18:53
Describes the many spiders of the world and some of their relatives such as the scorpion and mites.
Submitted by khenkes on Tue, 02/11/2020 - 18:53