
Topical Term

Barbarian warriors

Saxons, Vikings, Normans

Warrior princess

After a deadly attack on her home, fifteen-year-old Princess Branwen meets a mystical woman in white who prophesies that Branwen will save her homeland from falling to the Saxons.

The Islands of the Blessed

Two years after their adventures in The Land of the Silver Apples, the apprentice bard Jack and his Viking companion Thorgil confront the malevolent spirit of a vengeful mermaid and begin a quest that casts them among the fin folk of Notland.

Sword song

the battle for London
In ninth-century England, Uhtred of Bebbanburg is ordered by King Alfred to secure the borders of London and resist the attacks of the Norse Viking brothers Sigefrid and Erik Thurgilson, but his uncertain loyalties toward the crown, and his daughter's recent marriage, make it difficult for him to carry out the command.

Destiny's path

When fifteen-year-old Princess Branwen tries to turn away from her destiny as the one who will save Wales from the Saxons, the Shining Ones send an owl in the form of a young girl called Blodwedd to guide her and Rhodri on the right path.


the Saxon uprising
Mike Stearns, a former prime minister of the United States of Europe, now serving as a general for Gustavus Adolphus, King of Sweden, is going to need all his military skills when he is sent to Saxony to restore order after rioting breaks out over the arrest of Gretchen, a member of a revolutionary group.

The Sea of Trolls

After Jack becomes apprenticed to a Druid bard, he and his little sister Lucy are captured by Viking Berserkers and taken to the home of King Ivar the Boneless and his half-troll queen, leading Jack to undertake a vital quest to Jotunheim, home of the trolls.

The emerald flame

Branwen has accepted the role of Chosen One, and now, with a growing army including her half-owl half-human friend Rhodri and the dashing yet maddening Iwan, she must overcome terrifying odds if she is to succeed in saving Wales from the Saxon invaders.

Destiny's path

When fifteen-year-old Princess Branwen tries to turn away from her destiny as the one who will save Wales from the Saxons, the Shining Ones send an owl in the form of a young girl called Blodwedd to guide her and Rhodri on the right path.

The Land of the Silver Apples

After escaping from the Sea of Trolls, the apprentice bard Jack plunges into a new series of adventures, traveling underground to Elfland and uncovering the truth about his little sister Lucy.


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