Provides descriptions of the physical characteristics, behaviors, and eating habits of toads, and includes photographs and facts on the classification and world distribution of the amphibians.
Provides descriptions of the physical characteristics, behaviors, and eating habits of scorpions, and includes photographs and facts on the classification and world distribution of the eight-legged invertebrates.
Provides descriptions of the physical characteristics, behaviors, and eating habits of rats, and includes photographs and facts on the classification and world distribution of the rodents.
Provides descriptions of the physical characteristics, behaviors, and eating habits of new world monkeys, and includes photographs and facts on the classification and world distribution of the primates.
Provides descriptions of the physical characteristics, behaviors, and eating habits of grasshoppers, and includes photographs and facts on the classification and world distribution of the insects.
Provides descriptions of the physical characteristics, behaviors, and eating habits of butterflies, and includes photographs and facts on the classification and world distribution of the insects.
Provides descriptions of the physical characteristics, behaviors, and eating habits of platypuses, and includes photographs and facts on the classification and world distribution of the semi-aquatic mammals.