
Topical Term


A study of the Pegasus constellation, covering its origns, how it has been studied, careers in astronomy, and other related topics.
Cover image of Pegasus

Cygnus the swan

A study of the constellation Cygnus, covering its origins, how it has been studied, careers in astronomy, and other related topics.
Cover image of Cygnus the swan


A study of the Andromeda constellation, covering the princess after whom it was named, its origins and history, how it has been studied, careers in astronomy, and other related topics.
Cover image of Andromeda

Galaxies, islands in space

Discusses the immense islands of stars called galaxies that travel through the universe at tremendous speeds and examines current theories about the universe.
Cover image of Galaxies, islands in space

A history of astronomy from Thales to Kepler

formerly titled History of the planetary systems from Thales to Kepler
Cover image of A history of astronomy from Thales to Kepler

Recentering the universe

the radical theories of Copernicus, Kepler, Galileo, and Newton
Describes how a group of European scientists, including Copernicus, Kepler, Brahe, Galileo, and Newton, overturned the centuries-old accepted view of a geocentric universe and how these scientists risked their reputations and even their lives to challenge the very heart of Catholic dogma and scientific tradition.
Cover image of Recentering the universe

Step-by-step science experiments in astronomy

Provides step-by-step instructions for twenty-two science experiments about astronomy.
Cover image of Step-by-step science experiments in astronomy

From Ptolemy's spheres to dark energy

discovering the universe
Traces the history of modern astronomy and examines some of its important concepts.
Cover image of From Ptolemy's spheres to dark energy

Practical astronomy

A beginner's guide to astronomy that explains how to find the constellations, how to choose and use binoculars and telescopes, and how to observe the Moon, Sun, and planets; includes star maps to help pinpoint certain aspects of the night sky.
Cover image of Practical astronomy

Diccionario visual altea del universo

Colorful photographs and concise text explain the different features of the universe with clear definitions of the concepts.
Cover image of Diccionario visual altea del universo


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