Asimov, Isaac

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Science fiction

visions of tomorrow?
Compares science fiction with science facts about outer space and discusses how many of the topics writers imagined long ago have come into existence.

Nearest the sun

the planet Mercury
Describes the characteristics of the small planet closest to the sun whose day is twice as long as its year.

Mysteries of deep space

black holes, pulsars, and quasars
Text and accompanying photographs discuss the formation and peculiar features of the universe, particularly stars and galaxies emitting special types of radio waves.

A distant puzzle

the planet Uranus
Describes, through photographs, illustrations, and text, the characteristics of the seventh planet from the sun as revealed in the information sent back by Voyager 2.

Cosmic debris

the asteroids
Tells all about asteroids, the starlike minor planets that number in the thousands and circle the sun.

The red planet

Text and accompanying photographs describe the characteristics of the fourth planet from the sun, the only one whose surface can be seen in any detail from the earth.

Our planetary system

Briefly describes, through photographs and text, the characteristics of the sun and planets of our solar system and some of the still unsolved mysteries of the universe.

Death from space

what killed the dinosaurs?
Examines the mass extinction of dinosaurs and offers a possible explanation of the causes in text with accompanying photographs.

How did we find out about outer space?

Traces the history of mankind's venture into outer space from the first attempts at flight to the sending of human beings to the moon.

How do airplanes fly?

Briefly describes how the forces of lift and thrust are used to overcome gravity and resistance to enable airplanes to fly.


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