Rivers of the world

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The Amazon

Traces the course of the largest river system on earth, discusses explorers, and depicts life in the Amazon Valley.

The Nile

Describes the Nile River from ancient times to the present, and discusses what must be done to protect and preserve this river.

The Yangtze

Discusses the early Yangtze, the river as a lifeline for China, and conservation and development of the river.

The Rhine

Describes the Rhine River from ancient times to the present, and discusses what must be done to protect and preserve this river.

The Colorado

Describes the course of the Colorado River, its impact on the land through which it flows and on the people living nearby, dams and canals used to harness the river's water, and controversies surrounding its use.

The Amazon

Photographs and text provide an introduction to the animals, wildlife, and people who live near the Amazon river.

The Mississippi

Discusses the importance of the Mississippi River, its role in the agricultural and industrial development of the United States, floods and their impact, and various threats to the river.

The Amazon

An overview of the Amazon River, its physical features, plants and wildlife, history, economics, towns and cities, vanishing Indians, and environmental threats.

The Mississippi

An overview of the Mississippi River, its physical features, plants and wildlife, history, explorers, role as a transportation route, and future.

The Nile

Describes the course of the Nile River from its source in central Africa to the Mediterranean Sea and people who have explored it, civilizations it has fostered, efforts to control it, and more.


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