Ross, Kathy

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Things to make for your doll

Contains illustrated, step-by-step instructions for making clothing and accessories for dolls, including a bathing suit and beach bag, jewelry, bulletin board, clothes closet, and other items.

The best holiday crafts ever!

Provides instructions for more than seventy-five craft projects for Valentine's Day, Easter, Earth Day, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, Christmas, and Kwanzaa.

The best birthday parties ever!

a kid's do-it-yourself guide
Provides instructions for the invitations, games, crafts, table decorations, and cakes for a dozen birthday parties based on such themes as outer space, puppets, and dinosaurs.

Crafts that celebrate Black history

Provides step-by-step instructions for twenty easy crafts which celebrate the accomplishments of different African Americans, including inventors, activists, educators, and others.

Kathy Ross crafts

letter sounds
A collection of simple craft projects designed to help children learn and remember the sounds of the letters of the alphabet.

Kathy Ross crafts

letter shapes
Presents a collection of letter and shape based crafts designed to help children remember the shape of letters and associate a sound with each one, and includes hands-on projects with step-by-step instructions.

Crafts from your favorite children's stories

Provides directions for creating puppets, games, jewelry, toys, and other craft projects related to twenty favorite children's stories, including "The Little Engine that Could," "The Three Little Pigs," and "Peter Pan.".

Christmas presents kids can make

Presents illustrated instructions for nearly thirty craft projects that kids can make as Christmas gifts, including a decorated tape dispenser, a holiday stamp holder, and a baby's first Christmas ornament.

More Christmas ornaments kids can make

Provides step-by-step instructions for creating twenty-nine Christmas ornaments, including a spoon reindeer, a necktie wreath, and a paper gingerbread boy.

Crafts for Easter

Presents twenty simple craft projects for springtime and Easter that young children can make from everyday materials.


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