halloween decorations

Topical Term
halloween decorations

Halloween crafts

Contains step-by-step instructions for making Halloween decorations.
Cover image of Halloween crafts

Paper crafts for Halloween

Contains patterns and instructions for eight Halloween paper craft projects, and includes a brief history of the holiday.
Cover image of Paper crafts for Halloween

Creating Halloween crafts

Step-by-step instructions for creating winter crafts, including a ribbon wreath, dreidel, snowflake mirror, and Kwanzaa garland.

Halloween origami

Full-color step-by-step instructions teach children how to fold Halloween-themed origami decorations.

Carving pumpkins

Provides tips and instructions for carving pumpkins.

Spooky haunted house

DIY cobwebs, coffins, and more
Provides step-by-step instructions for fun Halloween projects to create a haunted house.
Cover image of Spooky haunted house

Make frightful props

DIY eyeballs, organs, and more
Provides step-by-step instructions for creating frightful Halloween props.
Cover image of Make frightful props

Eye-popping jack-o'-lanterns

DIY glares, stares, and more
Provides step-by-step instructions for creating fantastic, fun jack-o-lanterns.
Cover image of Eye-popping jack-o'-lanterns

Handmade Halloween crafts

Presents readers with instructions for a variety of Halloween crafts they can make by hand.

Super simple Halloween activities

fun and easy holiday projects for kids
Provides information about Halloween and includes step-by-step instructions for nine holiday related activities.
Cover image of Super simple Halloween activities


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