A Carolrhoda creative minds book

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Her piano sang

a story about Clara Schumann
Tells the story of the German pianist and composer who made her professional debut at age nine and who devoted her life to music and to her husband.
Cover image of Her piano sang

Gine print: a story about Johann Gutenberg

Recounts the story of the German printer credited with the invention of printing with movable type.


a story about George Eastman
Follows the life and career of the man who revolutionized photography by developing a camera simple enough for anyone to use.

Walking the road to freedom

a story about Sojourner Truth
Traces the life of the Black woman orator who spoke out against slavery throughout New England and the Midwest.

Gine print: a story about Johann Gutenberg

Recounts the story of the German printer credited with the invention of printing with movable type.

The back of beyond

a story about Lewis and Clark
An account of the 1804-1806 Lewis and Clark Expedition which took the explorers from St. Louis to the Pacific Ocean.

Listening to crickets

a story about Rachel Carson
Examines the life of the marine biologist and science writer whose book "Silent Spring" changed the way we look at pesticides.
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