Heckt, Jackie

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Immigration to colonial America

Examines the initial immigration to America, discussing the reasons why people immigrated, where they settled and more.


Text and photographs introduce skunks to young readers, with facts about the skunk's diet, adaptations, and lifecycle.

Estamos en primavera

A young girl explores outside in the spring, observing the weather and the animals.

Tilly the turtle

Tilly the turtle loves living in her big tank and being cared for by her friend, Todd.
Cover image of Tilly the turtle

Estamos en primavera

A Spanish introduction to spring and activities associated with it, including splashing in puddles, watching animals and plants appear after the cold of winter, and playing outdoors.
Cover image of Estamos en primavera


Text and photographs introduce skunks to young readers, with facts about the skunk's diet, adaptations, and lifecycle.
Cover image of Skunks

It's spring

A young girl explores outside in the spring, observing the weather and the animals.

Immigration to colonial America

Examines the initial immigration to America, discussing the reasons why people immigrated, where they settled and more.

The colony of Virginia

Describes the beginnings of colonial Virginia and the hardships and eventual success of the Jamestown settlement; and discusses the crop that saved the colony, the rise of plantations, early democracy, and more.
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