Daniel, the adopted son of an English aristocrat, meets Mordecai, an ailing Jewish philosopher and his sister, Mirah, and begins to discover the secrets behind his own parentage.
In 1924 British Palestine, Mark Bloomberg, a disillusioned London painter, arrives with his American wife and accidentally witnesses the murder of a prominent Orthodox Jew and becomes embroiled in an investigation which threatens both their marriage and their lives.
Rebecca Soloman and her team travel deep into the Ethiopian desert to find the one man who may know the final resting place of the Ark of the Covenant, unaware that an assassin is hunting the same man in the hopes of keeping the ancient secret safe.
Examines the impact of the Israel lobby on U.S. foreign policy, investigates the reasons why the U.S. provides Israel with such a high level of material and diplomatic support, and questions whether the relationship is good for America or Israel.